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This episode gets back to the business of clearing out my hard drive and playing a few of the interesting things I find along the way.  You'll hear some transfer files I made to more effectively trick phone company employees, some stuff I'm pretty sure came from my good pal Legend, a weird method of getting free calls and hiding your caller ID, and a broken Phone Show drop.  

The ending song is Chiron Beta Prime by  Jonathan Coulton.  If you want to see that exciting ANSI video that stopped me from doing a show last week, here it is.



Little Yellow Ducks

Your audio quality is so much better than previous years that I didn't notice it until I played the older sound tracks on the PLA Soundboard that I created a while back. Is there anyway you can go back and remaster some of your old work?

Little Yellow Ducks

My last voicemail to you was me messing with your words and stuff... its really possible to separate words with my software, but rejoining them it much harder without making you sound like a robot... which you sound like a robot :/ .... Yeah and I guess you can make threats using your words... the last part was "Im going to go put you on my car window and punch you now"