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Xander Fett brings you a few more lawn calls where we offer special deals for doing BOTH HALVES of your lawn.  We also listen to voicemails and read a few emails, because everyone loves reading emails on a podcast.  Thanks for the new intro song, Jack H!


Tourette TV

Why does it matter Mr. DIABLO!? -cactus


Nothing's funnier than Brad's fake laughing along with somebody.

Little Yellow Ducks

Cause I'm trying really trying hard to convert some of my buddies at work to become Patreon supporters of PLA, but today Brad has made today's show less convincing...I even stood up for Brad saying that he'll do lawn killer next... But that didn't happen. One of my co-workers left you a voice mail about this show Bee-raddd he called you. You should do a quick 20 minute lawn killer show to make up for this one :P

Michael Winter

This is one of my favourites: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8d5kguz-utA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8d5kguz-utA</a> Play your friends that one and they`ll all sign up, and Brad can give me a dollar for each one that does.

Little Yellow Ducks

The problem, they listen with me daily.. not sure if "just one" will work. I could guess they are hobos and don't want to... I'm always being asked when Brad's next show is available.

Tourette TV

I dont mind it Brad. Keep what u got going. I just appreciate a few mentions of the word "motherfuckers" every now n then

Little Yellow Ducks

Brad, you even said it in your show that you should be doing lawn killer stuff... we really thought that was your plan later in the show, but never happened. Brad, this is the only show that I know of that you did something new without doing a backup thing to keep stuff funny. If you hear yourself saying, I should have done such-and-such...then you should probably do that. We forgive you, love and learn. I can only guess, one of your listeners put you up to this...