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 I tried to do a show today, I really did, but not much worked out with the calls, so I'm officially giving up for the day and posting a show from 2 years ago, which was requested by a listener whose name I've forgotten.  I can't do anything right today.  I skimmed through this one a bit, though, and it sounds pretty amusing so I hope you enjoy it.  I'll try to get a new show up before the weekend is over.

In other news, I sent out a buttload of PLA coins this morning, so keep a watchful eye on your disabled, blind postman to make sure he doesn't try to keep it for himself.  And the new Calls of Mass Confusion went up today.  Go listen on JIAD's YouTubez.

Stan sponsors 2015's show of lube job customers.  It's Stan's fault that half the people I talked to about their lube jobs didn't get angry and just thought I was hilarious.




Look Rerun Ronda, I dont support your ass with my $1/month to listen to reruns you god damn hobo. Ps I have a feeling it was you who dinged my go cup at 12:00 midnight. You should be aware I am eying you suspiciously with one eye and snake eye with the other. Du whut now.

Joshua Campbell

Up your pledge to $5/month and you will have access to like 26 hobosodes to watch :)

Little Yellow Ducks

Just call stores... Any store. Ask them if they'd hire you, then later ask them if your allowed to bring your dog to work. When they complain about the dog, tell them it's your eye seeing dog.