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Subscription Billing Change!!

I'm changing over the billing to the subscription model on Patreon.  Which means:

" You’ll charge new members when they join, then monthly on that same date instead of the 1st of the month.

Existing members won’t see any changes, and are still charged on the 1st of the month."

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  This just seems more intuitive for anyone that is just signing up.

Build Notes:

There are a lot of placeholder assets in this one.

There's also less content.  I pulled out a lot of the dialogue and all of the quests in this one.  Redtree is almost completely absent right now.  There's a few buildings but no interiors, quests, NPCs.  They'll be coming back but I haven't had time to update them to all the new systems.

Ok so what is in this build?!?

  • Frog dudes!  They have almost all of their base animations and functionality plus a couple of scenes.
  • All of the new fancy Unreal 5 stuff!  This uses the new mapping system, data layers to control interiors, fancy dynamic lighting with lumen, and the new nanite system that should allow me to push more geometry in the scene.
  • A revamped save system.  Items dropped in interior spaces should save and load.  Containers should also save + load their inventories.  (Exterior spaces are going to need a different system that I still need to write)
  • New weapon animations for 1st person 1 handed and 2 handed axe swings.
  • NPC spawn points have been updated to support saving and loading NPC attributes better as well as support time of day based schedules.
  • There is a very basic version of lockpicking implemented right now too!  It's all gray boxed placeholder artwork but it should work.  If you've played Skyrim you should be able to figure it out even with the placeholder art.  To get to it walk up to a locked door, go into crouch/sneak mode (ctrl by default) and interact with the locked door.
  • And probably a whole bunch of other stuff that I'm forgetting!

So 2 things:

If you don't want to see graybox assets or run into placeholder dialogue trees or a whole lot of jank then you might want to hold off and wait until the next build!

And if you want to drop me feedback and bug reports please feel free!  Bugs related to the save system, buying and selling from merchants, and entering and exiting buildings are the highest priority right now.

And the link to the Download Post

Oh, on a side note.  Hopefully the next build won't take nearly as long!   This past year has been a rough one and I'm hoping that 2024 is better.  I'll probably post an update next week talking about a bit of that stuff but this post is already too long, I'll see ya'll next week!

Quick Edit!!!

In case anyone is having trouble finding the frog dudes I put together a super quick and dirty map of the swamp area.  Hopefully this is helps!



amos hemel

Where do we actually find the frog dudes? I gave the area the runaround I could only find the incubus, succubus, and a minotaur. At night, I could only find the goblin girls.


Oh, I can't attach images in the comments :/ hrm... ok I edited the main post with a super quick map of the area. They should spawn a bit north west of the swamp town along the road. I just checked in my local build and it looks like they're working but let me know if they aren't spawning on your end. Sorry about that I should've probably dropped some closer to town but the plan is to have their base / stronghold as the yellow X on the map I posted. Hope that helps and definitely yell at me if they still aren't spawning!