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I've got a little bit of down time before starting the new day job so I'm trying to get caught up on stuff for Feign. 

Finished up the high poly sculpt for the low level Inquisitor and I'll get started on the low poly soon.

Worked on the assets for the frog dungeon.  Lots and lots of brick sculpting for arches, walls, floors and trim. 

Some more polish the swamp environment and trying to optimize the foliage a bit.

And also a bit of design work.  I've been wrestling with how telegraph which NPCs are instantly hostile.  Like I want some imps to be neutral to the player until the player takes a hostile action towards them.  But other imps I'd like them to attack on sight regardless of the player's actions.  The solution I've landed on is swapping out skin colors to indicate how hostile the imp will be to the player.  I'm still messing with the specific colors but say blues would be actively hostile, reds would only attack after being provoked, and purples are the night version and always hostile plus stronger than basic imps.  

The idea is that if the player stumbles across a camp of red imps they'll know to not rush in swinging their sword at everything (unless they still want to).  They'll be able to enter dialogue with those imps, trade items, and possibly even do quests for them.  

It'll be a really quick texture swap that I'll put in for this next build to test things out and see how it feels in game.  



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