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They're mostly working in game right now.  The player will be able to find or buy scrolls of town portal in the world.  Using one will open up placement mode and they'll be able to spawn a portal anywhere in the world or interior areas. That'll automatically grab the nearest portal destination - which will most likely just be a portal spot on the edge of the nearest town.  The player will be able to use the portal and teleport back to town and then use the portal from town to get back to the remote portal.  That will then close both portals and the player will have to use another scroll to open another one.  So pretty much the same way they worked in Diablo.  

This should solve a couple of issues...

The player will have control over the use of the scroll.  If a player wants to backtrack and spend time exploring really deep dungeons then all they have to do is not buy these scrolls.  But if the player wants to be able to quickly travel back to town then they'll be able to buy a scroll before they start exploring.  

I'm planning on pricing them so that low level players will still want to plan on when to use their scrolls and not just open one on every new floor or unexplored area.

Also this will solve the issues I was thinking through for fast travel in the world.  I was going to do fast travel similar to Skyrim, where the player can open the world map and visit any previously discovered location.  The downside, to me, is that this makes the world feel kind of small.  But then again I also don't want to make the player travel everywhere on foot.  The solution I'm going with right now will be an "in world" fast travel system similar to Morrowind.  In this case instead of silt striders though Feign will have carriages and boats along the coast.  This should make it so that the player can still get to far off locations quickly when they want to but it will still give more of a sense of long distance travel.  Similar to if a player in Morrowind wants to travel to someplace remote like Dagon Fel, depending on where they start from.  It can be a few silt strider trips and then a boat trip by the time they reach the far northern coast of the continent.  

So yeah, that's the plan.

Oh and I found a pretty major bug that I'm still troubleshooting with doors.  If an interior space takes too long to load the door logic will teleport the player to that space before there's anything for the player to stand on.  Which then the player will just drop into the void as the map finally loads into space above them.   I've got a rough workaround in place right now but I'm working on a better solution still.

Other than that just slowly adding environment details to the exterior spaces in the swamp as well as expanding the frog dungeon interior layout.  



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