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Link to the build - currently available to $10+ tiers.

Ok first thing - the Patreon payments are still paused right now.  They are not set to resume until December 1st.  I'll see how much I can get done in November and might pause them again.  I'll keep everyone posted.  But any new patrons will still get charged when they join the Patreon during this time.  That's just how the billing works and is out of my hands.

I also might be a little sporadic in November and December.  The new day job is far, far more chaotic than I was expecting it to be and also all the usual holiday stuff.  

Actual notes:

The quest system is in and mostly working.  It should handle running through quests without trying to break them.  So doing anything like killing a key NPC will break things right now.  Also consider things to be in a rough draft form.  I'm still moving things around in the quest lines and will polish them as I get time.  

There's also one more major feature that I need to write to handle multiple tasks that can be done in random orders.  Currently I have to create individual quest markers for each and I'm planning on bringing it under the main quest object to make quest scripting easier.  

The lesser Incubus has actual animations and some placeholder AI.  He wanders around in the tutorial cave, in the same room with the succubus, and he also has a few spawn points heading north along the road out of Redtree, right on the edge of where the forest and content ends.  

Goblins now have a temptation event during combat (let the grapple meter fill up), and a random encounter when the player sleeps in an unsecure location.

Lust damage reduction press the 8 key to trigger self scene and reduce damage.  This is still pretty rough and needs a lot more love to make clear to the player but the framework is currently there.  

Oh, one last thing - I haven't had time to do the animations and visual fx work on the new scenes.  So in the new quest reward scenes you'll only get dialogue and no animations, for now.  

I'm sure I'm missing a bunch of stuff and if there are any super game breaking bugs let me know so I can put together a hotfix build.

Thanks again for your patience everyone!  You're all awesome!

Rough update list - may contain spoilers!
Goblin AI changes
based on distance to player will perform random actions and switch between ranged and melee attacks

NPC grappling now has a progress bar.  When the progress bar is full it will trigger character dependant scenes.  Only the goblin has scene support so far.

Resting in unsecure locations can now trigger random encounters.  Currently only the goblin encounter is implemented and is set to always trigger.  

Reeve quest line is in game.  

Reeve has 2 reward scenes if the player progresses far enough through his quest line.

Xandra, the tavern owner, has a quest line.  

She has 2 reward scenes if the player progresses far enough through her quest line.

Farm girl, spawns at one of the farms outside the north gate of town, has the beginning of her romance path and associated quests 

Farm boy, spawns at the other farm outside the north gate of town, has the beginning of his romance path and associated quests

Resource gathering has had some updates.  Now resource nodes can trigger animations, take time to gather, spawn props like mining picks, have differing amounts, and have variable respawn rates.

Quest triggers are now supported on interactive objects, dialogues, inventory checks, and other quest triggers.

Lesser Incubus has 3 new scene animations depending on player anatomy.

He has placeholder animations and AI for everything else.

Random loot containers have been updated and added to a lot more locations around the map.

The barn south of town has a Slime girl narrative encounter inside

Added a new abandoned cabin a bit north of the tutorial cave.  There's a few placeable objects blueprints lying around to test the placement system and the new growable crops items.

Added placeable object blueprints and pre-placed objects to the test house inside the north gate.  

Began blocking out path south out of the valley.  Eventually this will be a swamp area and small coastal village.

Solo animations and lust system.  After taking enough lust damage the player will now randomly be stunned and start playing the solo lust animation for their current anatomy.

Players can also reduce lust at any time they choose by pressing a hotkey (currently the 8 key) and letting the animation finish.  



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