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I got super lucky with the hurricane and didn't get hit by the worst of it.  So that's awesome.  The downside is I lost a couple weeks worth of time working on Feign and also at the day job.  So now I'm playing catch up with the day job.  Capitalism pauses for no one after all.  But I'm going to steal a bit of time and start running the build for Feign here once I get a chance.  It will still probably be at least a few more days until the download is ready though.  

And in sort of other news I'm going to pause the Patreon payments for another month.  Due to my downtime and also to be fair to everyone that's supporting the project.  Just a reminder:  new patrons will still be charged up front when they join.  This is out of my hands and just the way Patreon works with their payment processing.  



Glad you're home safe! Stay well and dry!


Glad to hear you're OK.