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There's still a ton of polish and all of the branching to implement still but the base dialogue trees are in and ready to go.  I've tested the majority of the quest logic and there's only two more events that I need to script out.

A quick list of questlines:  Reeve, tavern owner, farm boy, farm girl, goblin alchemist, trapped slime, guard tower, imp cave, temptation scenes goblin/ slime, goblin random night encounter, tavern random encounters.  

Some of the quests end short of their final conclusion.  Mostly this is because I need to write some new systems.  The biggest of those systems will be the companion/follower system.  Most of the logic is already in place as far as following the player, attacking their enemies, teleporting with the player when they enter or leave an area, but there's a lot of polish plus things like dialogues, and animations that are needed to support the system.  There's also the feature that when the player dismisses the follower I want the option for the player to send the follower back to the player's home.  That way the player can always stop by their home and interact with any followers that are there.  

The next build should be out next month.  I've got a bunch of personal life stuff changing and things are a bit chaotic but these changes should result in more development time to work on Feign!  



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