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Almost there for the incubus' sculpt.  I still have a detail pass I want to do and figuring out if he needs something for detail on his wrists.  The hair is just a rough volume block in still and I'll do by hand once I get to the lowpoly stage.

Other than this guy I've been working on bug fixes.  Mostly weapon equipping stuff.  The player should un-ready old weapons while changing weapons in their inventory now.  They should also un-ready weapons when starting dialogues to avoid striking an NPC in the middle of a conversation.  

Oh and the 2 handed great axe animations are in game and I've been hooking up the sound and damage cues.  There's one backhand animation that I might rework or cut entirely.  So far I have the 3rd person idle, equipping, and melee swing cycle ready to go.  Now to get the 1st person animations and then the base functionality will be ready for 2 handed axes.  




Maybe sleeve tattoos would suit the wrists? I agree with Artem that the sculpt looks quite young and doesn't really look like a bad guy


Don’t be shy- give him a bulge ;D


Yeah, I was thinking sleeve tattoos too but I keep having to remind myself that this is like the lowest level of incubus that the player is going to encounter and if I add tattoos on a demon I want them to glow... which then makes him look a lot higher level. And yeah think of this guy as a lesser incubus. There will definitely be larger more demonic demon guys coming along in the future. I'm trying to get all the low level content into the game still.


Lol, I didn't realize I toned down his bulge when I added the laces in the front there. I'll "re-bulge" him a bit when I get the chance.