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This is a rough one!  I've been trying to fix a couple really annoying bugs for days and I haven't fixed them yet.  But I wanted to finally get a build into everyone's hands.

Expect more bugs than usual.  

Here's the link to the post (or it's the post right before this one too) : https://www.patreon.com/posts/59651399 

But check out the goblin scene in the tutorial.  It's only the direct dialogue route and scripts. But let me know what you think!

There's also a couple glowing blue spell scrolls at the end of the tutorial cave on top of a crate.  To equip them pick them up, open the inventory, switch to the spells tab, then click to highlight the spell - in game hold down 'C' and let go to cast.  It's rough but the basic functionality is there.  

Oh and there's a rough attribute assignment in character creation and in game there's a new skilltree in the tab menu.  Nothing changes anything in game yet this is just the basic logic for assigning and storing character skills and attributes.  

Patch Notes 1.14.5

  • Stuff that is in and partially working but hasn't been tested or polished at all.
  • Spells - fireball, healing
  • Anatomy transformation potions - get rid of that pesky penis/vagina or change it if you want
  • Footstep sounds by terrain type
  • Goblin tutorial scenes
  • Super rough Succubus tutorial scene
  • Environment polish - mostly around the cave exit from the tutorial
  • Pink fog at night + night goblins
  • Traveling merchant
  • Initial Redtree faction quests
  • Watch towers on the road out of Redtree
  • Barn Interior space
  • Redtree Reeve's house interior library
  • Tavern owner
  • Idle animation markers for some NPCs
  • Goblin sounds (I'll slowly populate more sounds from this sound pack)
  • Basic Attributes and Skill tree logic - no gameplay changes
  • Procedural landscape ground textures.  This one ties in with the footstep sounds update.  I might wait to fully drop these in until I can upgrade to UE5 and the new landscape systems.  
  • All of the dialogue and scene scripting updates that will allow for more complicated scripting and fx during dialogues moving forward (once I can get all the bugs sorted out)

Alright, I'm going to go get some sleep and then I'll start working on fixing and finishing the rest of the content that I started.  Thanks again everyone for being patient!  You're all awesome!!!




Great update! Will there be face smothering for main characters? For example, if I initiate a scene as a female character with a male character, will I be able to do the same thing the goblin does in the tutorial? Keep up the work!


Thanks! Sure, I can do that the next time I'm working on human animations. There will likely be a bit of funkiness on the maxed out body types though. But I'll give it a shot! If I set it up correctly it'll cover human on human variants. So if the player wins in combat they can smother their opponent and if they lose they can be smother by their opponent. Thanks for the suggestion! I hadn't even considered letting the player smother other characters before!