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Just a heads up by the time the build actually runs and then I trouble shoot things and upload the files it's going to be at least midnight tonight.  That's assuming everything goes smoothly (usually it doesn't!!).  

But I'm going to put out a "partial" build in the next few days and then try to get the full build in December.  Then for January start trying to plan better so I don't fall behind on build releases like this!

I really appreciate everyone's patience!  and I also understand that sometimes around the holidays money can be a concern.  Remember refunds are always available upon request or if you would like to cancel for December but still get the build please just shoot me a private message and I'll send you a download link when the build is ready.   

You're all awesome and thank you for supporting Feign!!!

Oh, and the rough list of most of the stuff that's in this next build:

Patch Notes 1.14.5

Stuff that is in and partially working but hasn't been tested or polished yet

  • Spells - fireball, healing
  • Anatomy transformation potions - get rid of that pesky penis/vagina or change it if you want
  • Footstep sounds by terrain type
  • Goblin tutorial scenes
  • Succubus tutorial scene
  • Environment polish - mostly around the cave exit from the tutorial
  • Pink fog at night + night goblins
  • Traveling merchant
  • Initial Redtree faction quests
  • Watch towers on the road out of Redtree
  • Barn Interior space
  • Redtree Reeve's house interior library
  • Tavern owner
  • Idle animation markers for some NPCs
  • Goblin sounds (I'll slowly populate more sounds from this sound pack)
  • Procedural landscape ground textures.  This one ties in with the footstep sounds update.  I might wait to fully drop these in until I can upgrade to UE5 and the new landscape systems.  
  • All of the dialogue and scene scripting updates that will allow for more complicated scripting and fx during dialogues moving forward (once I can get all the bugs sorted out)




You are doing amazing, more than happy with how things are coming along! Remember to take some time to yourself as the holidays come around, you deserve it!


Goblin girl good.