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So I'm terrible at estimating writing time frames.  I thought I would be further along with the dialogue trees than I currently am.  The good news is that I'm still making progress and chipping away at the content that I want in the next build.  The bad news is that it's slow going.  It'll get there it's just a matter of time.  

To unwind from worrying about dialogue and questlines I started working on an outfit for the goblin in the tutorial.  It's still early stages but I wanted to get something tight, shiny, and black so that the straps outfit will seem less out of place.  I'm still figuring out some of the shapes and the overall design but I figure in this case less equals more right?

The second screenshot I started roughing out idle animations.  This first pass they'll be mostly static poses, because I won't have enough time to fully animate everything and finish the writing yet.  But the idea is to start giving NPCs idle animations and tasks that they'll go and perform rather than continuously walking to random points.  




There's never gonna be a time where I'm not thrilled to see further work on Goblins, definitely gonna agree that less is more as far as the tutorial goes. Also dig the idle animations, doing something akin the what the Elder Scrolls does with idles isn't at all a bad route to take given scope alone.


Great! Take your time man, no pressure, better late and good than rushed and bad as far as I'm concerned. Little request for the goblin's outfit, maybe go for toeless thighs? For us connoisseurs of the feet.