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Here's the build notes 

Here's the link to download



wait what changed?


Sorry, no changes just yet! This is the build that first came out last month and is now opening up to other tiers. I should've made that clearer in the post. That's what I get for posting after working all day. But the new build with new content I'm hoping to have out this time next month. Hope that clears things up!


Ah! I see! 😁


Some thoughts after playing, think movement and combat still feels somewhat clunky and not fluid or dynamic. Jumping in particular looks a little strange like there is no weight and feels a little air balloon like I know this is likely somewhat pre alpha, but think something that reviewers are gonna take notice to. Then I think maybe should consider adding a different loading screen is hard to tell if loading is stuck or not with current one.. Then some pathing stuff, monsters going through objects without any collision, tavern npc bundling up at stair case blocking path etc. But otherwise a very nice update I think. EDIT: Oh yah almost forgot about sex poses not sure if it's because some old still existent and it's going to get overhaul, but there is clipping with the penises going through skins. Think maybe the penises need a rig if it doesn't have already so it can bend and adjust appropriately to the poses to look mint.


Awesome thanks for the feedback! You're totally right about needing to update the movement systems and especially the jump animations. A lot of those are still the old animations that come with the engine that I retargeted. The loading there's a couple things going on behind the scenes that I need to fix first and will hopefully make the map load faster but yeah a progress bar would be nice to have. The pathing I need to do some work on and changing up the AI so it isn't just walking to random points will help too. Oh the penis clipping bugs. I keep catching them as I polish animations and create new ones but if there's some that are really bad or on the newer animations just let me know and I'll see if I can get them fixed. Sometimes I'll just have that geometry hidden while I'm working on the animation and I'll forget to turn it back on and check the animation again.