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Reminder:  Save games will still be broken between different builds.  I've fixed most of the bugs I found but I haven't had a chance to test things.  Plus any time I rename or reorganize objects those items will be broken in the player's inventory.  It's safer to start a fresh game.  There's always the option to export your character's preset from a previous build and then copy over the txt file into the new installation directory if you want to skip character customization.  

Reminder to new Patrons: This Patreon is set to charge up front.  Which means when anyone first signs up they'll be charged and then they'll be charged again on the 1st of each month.  So if someone were to sign up at 11pm the last day of the month they would be charged then and be charged again at midnight.  I'm not sure how clear this is and I don't want anyone feeling like I'm trying to double charge them.  

The first proper dungeon is in the game!  The entrance is along the cliffs to the east of Redtree.  There were a number of things I hadn't dealt with before that I needed to figure out to get proper dungeons in game.  The level itself gets loaded when the player uses the entrance.  This also changes the lighting setup, changes fog, teleports the player, and spawns the NPCs.  Then when the character leaves it cleans everything up behind them.  

The dungeon has imps wandering around everywhere until I have the time to make some proper encounters.  

I managed to get all of the new outfits into the game.  I did however break a few things on the human rig.  The jiggle physics on humans was one of the casualties.  The other is the thighs have a strange rotation on them during some of the human animations.  This leads to the thighs penetrating skirts while the character is running and some general funkiness even when the character is standing idle.  I have plans to fix these bugs the next time I work with the human rig.




A few thoughts, why can I only buy weapons and not armor at the blacksmith. Also why there not health regain from sleeping at the inn, the cost of health pots greatly outweigh their value given how easy you take damage(taking a rough estimate enemies drop between 3-8 gold and pot cost think 25, means you need to kill between 3-8 enemies to buy one pot, which then leave zero loot return from enemies since it be spend on pot). Think either Inn need to return health or there need to be some small slow static health regeneration over time. Third more sorta a question will we bet getting dodge, feel like blocking isn't very reliable with at times stiff animations makes it extremely hard to time any blocks. Other than that I think contant looks nice so far.


I finally found that bug that was behind the inn not restoring health! That was a weird one. But that will be fixed in the next build. As for the armor not being at the blacksmith I just forgot to add it to the inventory there. That's usually the answer for most problems is that I just missed it or forgot to do it. So comments and reminders like this are super helpful! As for dodging, I'm sort of up in the air on dodging right now. I completely agree with you about the stiff animations and timing things being sort of strange. I'm literally right now working on the combat and hopefully going to make it better. I think a lot of it comes down to how telegraphed the enemy attacks are. Looking at Dark Souls or Mortal Shell a lot of the attacks have a huge wind up phase before the actual swing. I'll try to get one of the NPCs updated and then ask for feedback from everybody. And all the game economy stuff I'll start changing up a lot once I get basic stats and skills into the game and then start working on balancing all of that stuff. Thanks again! Really I miss a ton of stuff or get really focused on one specific system and then other stuff slips through the cracks so feedback and bug reports are awesome!


£4 patreons can't download!, what am I paying for?


Hmm, that's strange sorry about that. I just sent you a message. Hopefully we can figure out where the problem is!