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I quickly spot checked most of the new content.  There's a good chance that I missed a few things but build 1.12 is ready!!!

Link to the post for $10+ patrons 

Build notes: 

Grapple, Lust, Stun System

This is the first full version of these systems and will be refined over time.  If you have any feedback or ideas on how to improve things let me know!

There's 3 new bars in the player's HUD.  

The stun bar fills up based upon the weapon type the player is hit with.  When it is full the player will be stunned for a few seconds during which time they will be vulnerable to damage or grapples.  

The lust bar takes damage from some attacks and some grapples.  When it is full the player will lose their clothing and then any lust damage will go into the climax bar.  When the climax bar fills up then the player will climax and be stunned and if they are in a grapple they will be defeated by their opponent.  

Grapples are triggered on the player when the player is in a stunned state. There's 2 ways to break grapples, mostly for testing.  Alternately pressing 'q' and 'e' will break the hold but takes a few keypresses.  Or to skip the grapple entirely press the spacebar.  

The goblin girl and the succubus are the NPCs that currently have grapple scenes and AI hooked up.  

Also of note if the player doesn't have a weapon readied the succubus and goblin will also automatically trigger a grapple.  This is hooked up for testing and an easy way to see the content quickly.  Grapples are also different depending on if the player is wearing clothing or not. 

Quick note - there's a bug with the grapple character alignments that I thought I had fixed but it looks like I missed something.  It seems to happen more often on uneven terrain.  I'll keep digging into this but I didn't want to hold up the build any longer.   

The initial version of the succubus is in game and ready to go.  She has a basic set of scenes and basic combat AI.  Her ranged attack is a placeholder right now and she needs a proper visual FX pass to really sell a lot of her actions.  She has a spawn point on the road south of town.  

Early game dialogue and quests are now in the game.  These are mostly quests to lead the player around town and introduce the important NPCs they will be interacting with.  I'm getting more comfortable with the dialogue system and scripting and will start adding more complexity to this stuff over time.  But if you have any thoughts or feedback please share!

I'm fried right now after bug fixing, testing, and doing technical stuff the last few weeks.  I'm going to take it easy for a day or two and recharge then get right back to work. 

And again feedback, thoughts, bugs, or anything you want to share drop me a line in a message or in the comments! 




So the last time I checked on this was maybe almost a year ago. and at the time from what i could tell, there was only 3rd person camera. For a game of such content/context & ambition I'm wondering if First person gameplay and scenes are a thing now? As something like this without POV just seems odd. Especially given that it looks like it could have VR potential.


Yup, first person gameplay is in the game currently. It's pretty much the Skyrim system. Mouse wheel to zoom in/out and when it zooms in far enough it'll snap to first person. There's also a hotkey to quickly switch that defaults to 'f'. I haven't had the time to polish first person view just yet and there's a lot of things that need to be added like camera shake, fx, and custom animations. There's also a bit of clipping depending on the players' fov settings. But it's in there and working and I consider it an important feature that I want to support and polish going forward. The VR probably won't be a supported feature. It's something I don't have the hardware for or any experience at all developing for. It would be cool though.