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Okay, I'm back to my work machine and working on finishing up animations.  Those should only take another few days and then I'll start putting the next build together.  My goal is to have the build ready for next Tuesday but it could be a few days before or after all depending on how smoothly things go.

Trying to figure out exactly how to handle armor and clothing sets and how much that should tie into gameplay.  I like in the Fable games how clothing and armor is mostly visual and comes with bonuses to NPC reactions to the player.  But I also like some of the systems from games like Morrowind where armor is broken into multiple categories (light, medium, heavy, unarmored) and each category has a different feel and impact upon play style.  The system that I'm thinking of testing out first will probably take a few things from Morrowind and the old D&D system.  So there would be tiers of armor, leather, chain, plate, etc. and each one would have a single armor rating.  As an example, every suit of chainmail would have an armor rating of 4, would slow down or hinder spell casting to a moderate degree, and make more noise while sneaking than leather tier armors.  The idea is to allow the player to figure out the play style they like and then find an armor set that they like the visuals of and not force them to constantly be upgrading as they find new armors later in the game.  There would also be some wiggle room on armor stats, say there's an enchanted set of elven chainmail it could be lighter and not hinder spellcasting or sneaking as much as normal chainmail.  

That's the current plan at least and the next step is getting a test version setup in game once there are enough different armor sets and types for a proper test to see if it's fun.  Let me know what you think, are there other games with examples of a similar system that I should take a look at? Or just something that would work even better?  

Alright, back to work.  I'll get the build out as soon as I can and then it's time to start rigging and then animating the succubus!




I'm all about it. If you wanted to take on the extra work load, you could do individual pieces and have a separate "under armor" like in Fallout 4. Honestly though, I'm happy as long as the armors look workably slutty lol


When I was first setting up the armor systems I looked into the Fallout 4 armors and trying to figure out how much work that would take. It ended up being a ton of work to keep track of all the variations and making those work with the body types. But what really did it was figuring out how to make knee or thigh high boots work. To make those boots look good and match up with multiple outfits would require a ton of tradeoffs. So instead I went with one full body slot for armors. I mean you can't have an adult game without thigh high boots right?