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Testing out more of the environment systems that I want to start using.  Mostly all the fancy procedural foliage, splines, and world composition stuff that I haven't worked with much in the past.  The procedural foliage seems really promising so far and I'll most likely use it similar to how I've heard it was used with games like Skyrim.  Where a large area is procedurally generated and then an artist goes in and tweaks, polishes, and refines those areas where it's needed.  I think that'll be the fastest way of handling the large world map.  Also it looks like there have been updates to world composition since I last used it and I think it will be less resource intense than the current landscape that I'm using.  But this is still all just in the testing phase.  

AI has started to get revamped.  There's a few things I want to test and see how they feel during combat especially.  This is very experimental but I want to test a system similar to Skyrim's "kill camera" but use it in the middle of combat for character specific scenes. I'm picturing something like the goblin girl tackling the player, riding them, and verbally taunting them, just as an example.  There are two things I'm worried about though, taking a bit of control away from the player in the middle of combat, and the camera cuts that would be necessary to make all of this work.  If anyone has any opinions let me know.  I'm hoping to have something put together for testing before too long but it's also going to require a handful of animations and will most likely only be for one character at first.  

Also working on the storylines and personalities that will be in the first town.  This is a major shift in gears and is a lot of fun to work on.  I've been looking a lot at shows like Deadwood and Westworld for reference ideas and overall feel and tone.  Both shows, at least at first, have a really cohesive setup and feel for their respective towns.  It's that small border / frontier town feeling that I want to put in Feign.  They also both are very character focused and driven.  Westworld also does a great job with exposing questline hooks like the simple act of picking up a dropped can that can lead to an epic adventure.  If anyone has suggestions for other references,  shows, books, movies, or games just let me know.  

Oh I've also been going back through Stephen King's Dark Tower books and I'm looking at how he handled an epic quest and how each novel has one or two goals but all of them still contribute to the overall narrative and main goal of reaching the tower. 



Hello, just found this game and it looks so promising... I hope to see it grow more as time goes on. I have only found a few like this and find that it is very fun to explore and see what all it has to offer. Lame are the games that you press buttons and all you see is pictures. I have looked into those for a while but they really go no where. This gives the gamer something to do other then follow a story. I will increase my pledge later on if this is going in a way that is really more fun. Oh, I found a bug in the version I have, when you die and respond you keep falling through the scenery, and can't play it with out restarting it. Anyway, great fun so far.


Hi, thanks and welcome to the Patreon! Hmm I hadn't seen that bug before but after digging around for a bit what I found was if I get knocked down in combat, then the AI character interacts with me and opens the scenes menu, then I open the ESC menu and choose respawn, that I would respawn in town, naked, and falling through the world. Is that the same bug you were running into? I'll get that fixed for the next build. Until then there's also an "exit" button in the scenes menu itself - does that cause the same falling through the world issues for you? Thanks for the bug report it's really helpful!


I only played around a little bit and yes that first way where the NPC killed me, then I respond in town, frozen in the spot, but running, if I jumped I would then fall thru the ground. and no matter what I would respond the same spot and doing the same thing, and only way was to jump then thru the ground I went. By the way, this is the version I found on F95ZONE, am downloading the latest right now.


Gotcha, cool, I think I've fixed that bug just need to test a bit more and then it'll be fixed when I can put together another build. There's also another bug that I hadn't noticed but the AI of that NPC will freeze up after the player respawns in town. If you're playing on the 1.9 version that's the very latest build.