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1.9 Changelist:

  • Updated the engine version to Unreal 4.25
  • Changed scene control to instantly jump to the next section when the button is pressed
  • Added Goblin Cowgirl2 scene 
  • Added Human x Human Doggystyle scene
  • Tutorial Level is roughed in and needs playtesting
  • Fixed a few bugs in the alchemist questline - she should now add potions to her store's chest after each part of the quest is finished
  • Prop placement is in game and partially working - P will open the placement menu or V while hovering over and object in the inventory (the keys, controls, and physics of almost everything will change this is just the first test version)
  • NPCs can now use props during animations
  • Inventory items have an information panel that appears while hovering over the corresponding inventory button, the layout and details are still temporary and the 3d object display hasn't been implemented in some menus

One major lesson from this week, don't do an engine update shortly before putting a build together.  I'm still finding bugs and things that were changed in the 4.25 version of Unreal.  There's some really awesome features in this build that I can't wait to test out but there's also some things that were changed that broke a bunch of stuff in the game.  

Coming up for next month I'm going to continue working on the base animations and polishing or replacing the old ones.  It's just going to be a slow and steady process and I'm shooting for quality with the new animations over quantity.  If you get a chance to check out the new animation sets let me know what you think.  

From there things are going to begin transitioning over to more lore / story based content.  The game systems seem to be ready even in their currently rough state, to begin supporting story elements and more traditional gameplay.  I have some of the initial storylines outlined and really just need to start the process of putting them into the game and seeing what is missing or if anything breaks.  

The save system right is broken and I disabled the menu buttons.  So there's no saving this build.  This is one of the bugs that came with the engine update.  I think I have it tracked down I just haven't had the time to actually fix and test things yet.  

Also there is the beginning of a tutorial in game.  I've seen posts on forums asking questions about controls or basics of gameplay and I thought a tutorial would help answer some of those.  At the moment the tutorial doesn't have proper artwork I wanted to get some feedback on how helpful it is, if it's too long or too short, and what else I should add to it.  In the future it will be optional but for now it's where the player will start when beginning the game.  To skip the tutorial entirely now open up the ESC menu and click on the respawn button.  That should drop the player in the middle of town.  




Strange, it doesn't start. It says I am missing D3DComplier_43.dll. When I put one next, it says application failed to start. I had any problems with some previous versions...


maybe missing some redistributable cpp package?

Lee Thompson

That's part of the DIrectX End User package. It's the Direct3D HLSL Compiler (From 2010). On Windows 8/10 you should have a copy of it already in your System32/SysWOW64 folder otherwise https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35