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Finally got everything together and working for the 1.6 version release.  I kept running into unexpected issues during the build and then uploading process which set me a little behind schedule.  BUT! the download links have been sent out to the early access tiers.  Everyone in the $5 and $1 tier will be getting early access to this build next month before it goes out to the public.

I made a few changes to the Patreon, the tiers and to the charging scheme.  I moved things over to charge upfront so that people who want to drop in, donate one time, and then unsubscribe can now do so.  

Anyone that is at the $1 tier you've been grandfathered into the new $5 tier benefits.  Thanks for supporting the project at such an early stage!

Ok, I think that's it, now onto the 1.6 changelist:

  • The new behind the scenes preview level has gotten a basic implementation.  The $25 tier has access to this level and can see some of the rough sculpts and assets that I've been working on.  Of course these are work in progress and subject to change at any time.  
  • The minotaur is roughly in the game.  He needs a full set of new animations still.  The retargeting on his placeholder animations didn't go so well and his feet have trouble touching the ground.  
  • Dynamic spawners are in the game and should be working properly now.  Enemies that are dynamically spawned and then defeated will respawn at that same location after a day or two of ingame time has passed.  This is the most basic gameplay loop.  The player can leave town, defeat enemies, take their gold, then return to town to heal and wait for the enemies to respawn, and then repeat the entire process.  
  • Lots of environment work.  The rough blockout for an old mine has been started and gets progressively rougher the deeper into the mine you go.  
  • The first quest has been started.  To try testing it out for yourself speak to the bartender in the tavern.  Only two solution paths are currently implemented - the player can solve the quest through dialogue or through violence.  The quest ends when the girl teleports back to the tavern.  I still need to do the after effects, faction relation changes, quest rewards, and all that sort of stuff.  
  • Quests have dialogue hooks, separate quest stages, a new functional tab on the players' inventory screen, plus some other stuff I'm sure to be forgetting.  
  • Factions have gotten a bit of love and for testing purposes in this build attacking ANY character will decrease standing with that character's faction.  When the faction reaches a negative enough level members of that faction will attack on sight.  
  • Imps have facial expressions ready but still need sex animations and scenes.
  • Title screen should display the character from the most recent saved game.
  • Saves still don't work between versions - yet! I'm working on a character export/ import system that should work in the short term so people won't have to keep recreating characters each new build.  Then hopefully I can figure out how to make the saves carry over without to much hardcoding stuff.  
  • The narrative sex scenes aren't completely ready yet.  They tie in with so many other triggers and character behaviors that I disabled them to not completely break the current sex scene functionality.  
  • Adjusted running speed, sprint speed, and ducking movement speed.  I'll keep tweaking these numbers to find something that feels "right" plus at some point I'll give them proper animations.  There still isn't a cap on stamina use though - just to save people some time running around and looking at the new content.  
  • Trading systems and UI should all be working.  Items will cost gold and can be sold for gold. 




wow impressive