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Just wanted to drop a quick update.  

I was able to find some time for bug fixes this week.  Did a few AI sanity checks so they stop breaking things as much.  They should be a bit more reliable when choosing when and how to attack and they also shouldn't leave the scenes menu open after defeat anymore.  

I think fixed the worst of the camera clipping through walls.  That offset over the characters shoulder would make it clip through walls that were on the characters' right hand side.  I'm still testing the fix but so far so good.

Finally lots of design work and the first "dungeon" has been started.  I'm trying to keep the scope small to one or two rooms and focusing on getting the visuals and feel right.  The plan is to use this to prove out the rest of the features needed for a basic questing system, faction relation interactions, and the player reputation system.  This is one of the final steps before moving to alpha.  

I'll see you all again around New Year's.  Happy Holidays!


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