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Download Feign Proof of Concept Build 1.3 

The 15th came a little too early for me this month.  Most everything in this build should be working but there are pieces that I haven't tested and a lot of placeholder assets.  My focus for the month was getting the design and mechanics together to get the gameplay loop into the game.  A rough initial version is in there but it needs polish and art assets.  

Just as a further note - slime girls and the imps don't have a full animation set yet.  So they don't have working combat or any interaction scenes.  

Version 1.3 Changelist: 

  • Male imps are in the game.  Still an early implementation and the animations are placeholder until I can get the time to figure out how to handle that tail.  
  • The tavern has gotten a layout pass and was the test bed for the new modular interior building assets.  The visuals haven't changed a whole lot but everything on the interior has been reworked with the new modular assets.  
  • New waiting mechanic to quickly pass time.  Currently set to the 'T' hotkey.
  • Dynamic spawn points.  Singular spawns for one off encounters as well as larger group spawners are in and working.  Take the road out of town into the green fields and walk towards the 2nd tower.  Stay on the road and the spawns will trigger.  The distance is kept small so it's very noticeable when the player triggers the spawn.  There are still more features to implement to handle going from the exterior world to interior spaces but this is the basic foundation.  
  • Hotkeys can now be changed in the options menu.  
  • A few bugs were fixed.  First person view was previously losing the body morphs while playing scenes.  That should be fixed now.  
  • Eyelashes now have an intensity slider in the character creator.  
  • The 2nd tower heading out of town is also where I'm testing a lot of things and why the artwork is all placeholder for it.  It's the blockout version for figuring out a basic multi level encounter, the minimum spaces required for that encounter, how the AI should handle the encounter, and planning out different playstyle solutions to the encounter.  
  • AI also has a basic understanding of useable objects in the game world.  If an AI notices one of the street lights is out they will walk over and turn it on then go back to what they were doing.  Nothing complicated but it's the beginning implementation for idle behaviors for AI.  
  • The most basic gameplay loop is implemented. Start in town, travel to the 2nd guard tower, clear and loot the tower, travel back to town to heal at the tavern.   




It was nice getting a tavern room before going on a hunt to find my first imp. I found one dead with a guard ontop of him! Luckily, there was also another one (alive) next to the guard. He was not attacking the imp, which I found odd. Amazing progress! ^_^


About 8 years ago I worked for a brief time on an MMORPG private server. I remember deciding about spawn positioning and how many etc. It was interesting. Sometimes you wanted many overlapping mobs to appear intimidating on the battlefield or just a few to self the forest alive. It was difficult when mobs would clip through walls or have wonky spawns through the wall. Breaks immersion. Likewise, if a boss spawn and gets stuck on the environment that's a huge oof moment. Great seeing your dedication to an overall experience like a true dungeon master. Keep up the awesome work.


So did you attack the guard or the imp? ^^