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I was doodling on the imp a little bit and got carried away and he turned into a goblin.  He's a bit rough and still needs a polish pass but I think he's shaping up pretty well.  

Did a quick ui for resting / waiting.  The hotkey is hardcoded to T right now.  It's similar to the Skyrim system.  It will fully heal the player until I put in the rest of the logic.  

Started working on dynamic encounter spawners.  Essentially when the player gets close enough to a specific point on the map these spawners will randomly choose an AI character to spawn.  If there is already an AI character that has spawned it won't do anything until that previous character dies.  The next step is hooking this into the game's time of day settings so that encounters will respawn after a set amount of time, like 2 or 3 in game days, rather than every time the player enters the spawn location.  This is also the first step in setting up stuff like Skyrim's random encounters on the road, or spawning leveled content based on the player's level.  




Ooo, random encounters and a time system! :o I like the sound of that! I generally find that I play a game like this a lot more if there are secrets to find. I recently wrote up a guide for Boobsgame's "Warlocks and Boobs" RPG Maker game-- simply because the time mechanics allow for many interactions, most of which hidden from a new player and only found through experimentation. I cannot tell you how much I am looking forward to finding secrets in your game =)