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Hi folks,

As mentioned previously, here is a little taster of what's to come in the re-do. Remember, this is an early demo, so there may be some bugs / issues. We have tested it, but not 100% extensively. It is only a portion of what's to come (it covers the first two days in-game) and your saves from this demo will not be compatible with later demos or official versions. This demo is just for fun to give you an idea of what the re-do looks like,

Some things to note:

There is currently no music or SFX (Will be added later).

The gallery / start any episode functions are not set-up yet, so do not choose these options

The stats screen is not set-up, so don't choose any option to look at scores.

When speaking on the phone to Elaine, her image is intentionally blank (for now)

Some of the dialog character images need to be upgraded (the small portrait in the bottom left of screen to indicate who is speaking).

Any other issues/ errors you find: Please let me know.

Also, please share any general feedback... what you liked / what you didn't like.

 Links are below

WTHI Demo Google drive





Bobby wit da tool

Holy shit this is so good. One quite insignificant criticism I do have is how the game opens with the book it just looks very low quality lol. The rest looks incredible so far

Walter L.

I like a lot about the redo, but I do have some criticism about minor changes in the story. It does seem as if you've rewritten parts of dialogue and story, where you feel it might draw offence from a certain type of players (those who report games and don't want anyone to have fun with something they personally won't enjoy). Now, I understand that, of course, you don't want to see your game get removed over some minor story point or a few sentences someone who is really searching for it, might find offensive. I do understand, but if in the end if this is the only available version of the game, it is a pity that we will basically only have the sanitized version of it. Don't get me wrong, it's no major complaint and again, it is understandable, I just wish there would be the option to patch the stuff into the game again that was changed or being left out. And again, I know we are only talking about very minor stuff, literally a sentence or two changed at times, but I just hate it so much when creators change their work to not offend those looking to be offended, if you get what I mean. Always seems like that just makes them more presumptuous and impudent.


Thanks for the feedback. Wasn't sure about it myself. Some people said they liked it, but I'm still on the fence. Might end up removing it...


Hi Walter - Thanks a lot for the feedback. I certainly don't want the re-do to be a watered down version and this isn't the intention. Let me know specifically (here or via direct message) where you feel we have diverged and I'll take a look (and rectify if possible)