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Hi folks,

Currently - Patreon are telling me the payment issue was my mess-up, I'm telling them it's theirs (My logic is that if it was  my mess-up, then ALL patreons would have been charged, rather than some.).

Anyway, I don't want to leave people in Limbo while I go back and forth with Patreon, trying to figure it out, so I'm just going to start processing refunds manually.

Some people have asked for refunds, some people have informed me that they don't want to be refunded (thank you so much), while others have asked for a different option (e.g. carry it forward to the next payment month.).  Unfortunately, there is no bulk action option to refund everyone or pay-it-forward for everyone, so I'm going to have do each transaction one at a time. (1173 patrons - so I expect to be busy this weekend  - It's going to be painstaking :(  ).

I can't deal with 1173 people via DMs to manage / process, so I'm going to set up a patreon poll for everyone to let me know their preferences to handle this.  This isn't a majority rule Poll...Every one of you will get whatever specific preference you pick.  The good thing about Patreon polls is that I can download the responses into excel and then I can use this to keep track of everyone's preference and go through them one at a time and process them over the weekend.  Note - Although I'll aim to get through everyone by Monday - Refunds can take 5-7 days (according to Patreon) before it shows up on your credit card (or whatever your payment method was). 

One other point to note...If I process a  refund, the Patreon system will remove you as a current Patron (It's the only way that they process refunds).

Anyway, I'll be issuing polls by tier level, so keep an eye out and please let me know your preference via the polls.

Thanks a lot and apologies for the hassle,




Wow, that's one way of ruining a perfectly fine weekend. Missing bulk functionality is definitely one of the many scourges of humanity.

Jack the Joke

They screwed up the payment system and trigger fraud on a bunch from CCs so I had to re-subscribe to all my memberships.