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Hi folks,

I know there is a lot of frustration regarding the release of episode 23, so I just wanted to confirm 100% that it WILL be out this month (September).  We don't have an exact date yet but it will be this month.

This episode is bigger than any previous episode  (It is currently over 30% larger than originally planned) and we have HAD a LOT of issues/problems with this current development with a LOT of work that had to be scrapped / re-done / edited.  I won't go into long-winded details about what issues we've had, etc. as I know most people don't want the details, they just want the game which is understandable.

Me, Cell and Ace are all working long days, 7 days a week on the game and we are almost done so please bear with us.




P's Touch

Is it out?


patch is, when I logged off Cheeky was compiling the full, but don't see it up yet