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Hi All  - A shout out for another dev team:

Inquisitor Trainer (link : https://www.patreon.com/adeptusceleng ) is a parody game set in the grim darkness of the far future. It is a 2D point and click visual novel style video game with some RPG elements in which the player can freely roam the map, explore dungeons, purchase items and engaged in simple turn based combat system You will find a lot of hand drawn Illustrations of erotic scenes as well as 2D frame by frame and tween animations.

Player will take the role of a young female protagonist, an Acolyte in service to the Inquisition. She will be tasked to investigate the disappearance of certain individuals and other mysterious cases in the city which might be related to heretical cults, twisted mutants, and other abominations.

Get the free public build now Here! (link : https://adeptusceleng.itch.io/)

Support them and get the early access : https://www.patreon.com/adeptusceleng 

And follow them on twitter (link  : https://twitter.com/CelengAdeptus)

Beside Inquisitor Trainer, Celeng also makes his second game called Dungeon Ravager (A platformer game). Give it a try for free Here. (link:https://adeptusceleng.itch.io/dungeon-ravager)


Frank Gottschling

this is definitely not the type of game i prefer


How much did he pay you to post that crap.


We don't take payment for advertisement. It is fairly customary in our niche to do cross advertising for one another when someone reaches out. (usually of similar size/patreon count, but we also try and help out newer developers when we can)


As i understand it is only a advertisement and not more....no problem for me.