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Hi Folks,

Just wanted to keep everyone in the loop regarding Episode 22.  Our original aim was to release at the end of February  but that is not going to happen so it will be a March release.
I don't have an exact date yet but we have made some good progress over the past couple of weeks but not as much as I would have hoped / liked.

On the art-front:  Cell has fully moved into his new place and is back cranking out the artwork.   We still have a some work to do with animations but we're currently exploring  options to sub-contract out some of  the animation work due to the length of time each animation takes.  We have found an excellent animator and he is going to join the team.

Still waiting on Ace & Wizard to finalize their respective scene.  They have both been writing their scene for over two months now so just wanted to give you some context on how long the writing takes for this game.  I know I mentioned it before but the variable tracking / branching is a nightmare.

Outside of those two scenes, I've been making steady progress writing the other EP22 scenes and with the exception of the gym scene and the sex sequences (which are much easier to write than the dialog) , I have most of them finished.

And as a gesture of appreciation for your support (and patience), we don't want to leave everyone empty handed for February so although you won't get the next chapter of WTHI this month, we would like you to have access to The Cabin!

The Cabin is Cell's game but we have agreed to give access to everyone on my Patreon for this month, so hope you enjoy.  The official game download links for the first two episodes are below and All WTHI patrons can access.  And scroll further below for a description of the game.

PC: The Cabin - PC version 

MAC: The Cabin - MAC version

Android: The Cabin - Android version

Note:  The cabin is 100% Cell's creation and none of the other WTHI team were involved in the making of this game.  Cell worked on this during our last hiatus (when I was unwell) so any work on the Cabin did not detract from work on WTHI.

The Cabin - About The Game

Your life was normal, up until a few months ago nothing really interesting ever happened to you. That is until your 'childhood friend' started drinking. You didn't know why she started drinking, just that it pissed you off. With this new found love for alcohol came a new found love for arguing, it's like she'd feed off it. Her main target was your house mate, a few years younger than you and naïve, it seems anything she did would annoy your 'childhood friend' to no end. Being older than her gave you a sense of responsibility, like it was your job to look after her, which you didn't mind, you love your house mate and would do anything to protect her. Whenever your 'childhood friend' pulled out a bottle of booze you knew an argument wasn't far behind it, she'd get angry at the most pointless things, socks left on the floor, toilet roll tubes left in the bathroom and your personal favourite, no coaster for your cup.

Eventually, her husband decided enough was enough and he kicker her out of the house, and her being her decided she'd drag you and your house mate with her. It was the first week of summer vacation and all you wanted to do was travel, but the only traveling you'd be doing is to your 'childhood friends' sister's cabin in the middle of nowhere. The last time you was at the cabin it was a wreck, granted that was 8 years ago but your expectations didn't change, your 'childhood friends' sister was always a bit of a slob, the messy type that didn't give a fuck what others thought. That's why it was a shock to you, arriving at a modern looking cabin with all the fixtures and fittings you'd expect a city apartment to have. It seems your 'childhood friends' sister got her act together.

When you arrive at the cabin you're a little moody, upset you won't be able to travel but your 'childhood friends' sister tells you of all the great things you can do over the summer at the cabin, not only are you secluded in the middle of the woods, there is a lake near by, a small town and an abandoned nuclear bunker not to far away. You're still a little angry about staying in the cabin but the thought of a Lake and nuclear bunker being near by really helps you get over it.

Your time at the cabin starts like you'd expect it to, pretty uneventful and after a few days you're bored out of your skull. That is until things start happening around the cabin you can't quite explain, things going missing and strange noises at night is enough to make anyone freak out. 

Without wanting to give to much away, the game is about murder, betrayal and twists even a cork screw wouldn't see coming!

Key Fetishes/Tags

  • Love
  • Adventure
  • Horror
  • Murder
  • Mystery
  • Fantasy
  • Betrayal
  • Pregnancy
  • More to come as the game develops

The Characters

Sample Images/Test Renders



And where can we get further episodes of The Cell please?