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Hi All,

 Apologies for being quiet but there wasn't much to tell as I've still been unwell and I didn't want to turn my Dev updates into a journal of my medical woes.

So current status is:

The game is not dead, it's just paused (same goes for me!)

Payment is still turned off so nobody will be charged.

I am hoping to get back working on the game in September.  

I am still nowhere near recovered but it's not life-threatening so I need to just get out of bed and start taking back my life!  :)   Biggest problem is my energy levels.  It's ironic that before I got sick, my energy levels were flying but trying to find the time to spend 60hrs a week on the game was a struggle.   Now that I have time (currently out sick from work), I have no F***ing energy!!! :) :)

But I want to ensure people that I am not abandoning the game and as mentioned above I hope to get back working on it ASAP.   I am also not going to try to wrap things up in the game just for the sake of it and cut stories short as I want to give the patrons the ending (and side-stories) that we've  been working on for the past 2+ years.  So I don't plan on cutting things short just to finish the game so I can crawl back to my sick-bed.   When I get back into it, I want to continue on the same path and give the girls and MC the endings they deserve.

I am also going to look (again) to get another writer on-board to take on some of the leg-work because I'm still not up for full days sitting at the PC. 

I'll be in touch within the next week and will give you a status update on the next episode, progress since I'm back (if any) and plans to complete.  I just need a few days to figure out where things stand and to see if we can expand the team.

I also wanted to say thanks a lot to all of you for the patience and for all the nice messages (in DMs and comments on posts) that I've gotten.  It means a lot.  Hopefully, I can repay the faith and patience by getting back to delivering the next episode.





just finished the game (so far) and wow. amazing work. cant wait to see what comes next!

Alpha Protagonist

I finished playing this last update, a few months ago. Quite the epic story and the females holy shit. Between Monica and Katie, those 2 are the ultimate Waifus. Forgot the Red head ex of the asshole dads name, but she is hot as well.