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Hey folks,

The Good:

All scenes are now complete with the exception of Elaine.   And the Jenna/ Jolina scene just needs a few play-thrus / pathing checks and then send over to our QC team for further testing.

The Bad:

I'm not 100% satisfied with the beach / morning after scene - Quite a bit of dialog / wrapping up, decisions, etc. which I am happy with.  And I personally spent 30+ hours testing it last week to check pathing.  My concern is that it's lacking sexiness so made a decision to add a couple of naughty scenes to it.  It'll take us a little more time to incorporate (talking extra days, not weeks).  Already have the artwork done, so just need to update the script to incorporate.

The Ugly:

Our new artist seems to have ghosted us (deja vu) halfway through the Elaine scene.  Not sure what's going on - everything was going perfectly - his work was excellent, no problems with workload and zero negative interactions with the rest of team.  And then "Poof" - haven't heard from him in a week.  Can only assume something came up in his "real life", so it would be unfair of me to add any extra commentary.

Thankfully, we've been tracking all assets, files, etc. so will be relatively smooth for Cell to jump in and take over, but it will obviously add a bit of delay.  If we had known last week that it wasn't being worked, we could have got Cell onto it earlier.


Still going to bust our ass but the end of the month estimate has gone from an "almost certainty" to a very optimistic stretch goal.   

But for anyone that wants to drop their pledge before the start of next month (completely understandable), I'll be posting links in the next couple of days that you can bookmark so even if Ep20 drops next month (and you've dropped your pledge), you'll still get access to the new episode.

This shit was genuinely out of my control and I've been seriously stressing since last Thursday (when I started getting worried about no response from our new team member).   

But when the episode does eventually drop, I think it will be a really good one.   The beach house (with the extended naughty scenes) should keep everyone happy, regardless of what combo of girl/girls you want to progress in future episodes.   The Jenna and Jolina scenes are very hot.  And the Natasha / Roger / DogBoy will add some fun.   And finally the Elaine scene will be smoking!
And we'll get some key information on the mystery emailer (CCTV images to reveal all).

The script is massive and there is an absolute shit-ton of artwork.

As always - thanks for the patience.




Nice update, thanks.

Alpha Protagonist

Bella not the kind of GF a Man in real life would want to clingy. Almost got me into trouble with Katie. So yeah Katie and Monica are the best. Going to be tough to chose one unless of course you get a Harem with the family and other females.