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Hi All,

Good progress made over the last week.   First draft of the script has been completed with the exception of 2 scenes:  The beach-house scene and a new scene we are probably going to add  (trying to squeeze in a brief appearance for Elaine & Bella).  Nothing written for these yet.

The first draft scenes will still need a lot of work once the artwork is completed for each scene and we start tweaking the script to accommodate the images.

For artwork:  Red is finishing up the art for two of the major scenes (Monica & Zarah) and has committed to have these finished in approx. 1 week which will be a massive boost as that covers a lot of the first half of the episode.

Cell is almost finished the beach-house scene artwork (which will round off the top 3 scenes of this episode) and then he'll move onto the Theresa scene.  There's a lot of pre-work completed on the Theresa scene already so that will help.

I'll post a few teasers over the next couple of days to show you what we're working on.

As for a release date, we will be looking at sometime in September but as mentioned previously, payment will be turned off for next month so your current tier will carry into next month with no further charges.




Julian Harper

Sounds like this chapter is going to be a big one!


It is. It will contain the huge Monica scene we had initially planned for last EP plus everything we had planned for this one including one hell of an episode ending.

Walter L.

Have you considered doing a per release payment scheme like fe. Kaffekopp has implemented? If your updates come regularly again, you would get your money, but if for whatever reason there are delays, people automatically wouldn't have to pay. It always strikes me as being fairer once updates start becoming irregular. Of course I'M hoping you guys will go back to a regular schedule at some point. ;)


Hi Walter - Unfortunately, Patreon doesn't allow a creator to switch from monthly to a per-release schedule. So that's why we are using the turn-payments off option.