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Hi Folks,

Just to let you know what we currently have planned for Episode 18.

Monica scene(s): Extended "date" scene with Monica plus the "afters..."

Zarah scene.

Theresa scene.

And just so it's not all aimed at the older generation of ladies......

Katie / Debbie / Lily.  A chance to interact / get to know each of them a little more (individually) with some meet-ups. 

Followed by an evening in the beach house with (potentially) all 3 of them.  

I'll keep you posted on progress.  At the moment we are working on the Theresa / Zarah scenes.

Also - still working on the "Jump to any episode" option to allow you to join the action at an episode of your choice.  At the moment it just covers basic relationship status but we want to extend with multiple options to cover stats / relationships & previous decisions. 

This is taking a little bit of time because (at last count) we are tracking over 90 different variables in the game.  And with each variable having anywhere from 2 to 8 possible values,  the number of permutations / combinations is quite scary to manage.  But I hope to have it finished soon.

Also, this weekend should see us releasing the previously mentioned Ep17 "patch" to correct a couple of items and make a couple of tweaks.

As always, let me know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.


CG & Team.



I'd be a happy camper with the old ladies themselves but can always make room for Katie, Debbie and Lily not so much. Given the hints in previous episodes, seems it would be worthwhile to go after the nut job that's Theresa. Bitter pill but what can you do?


whats happening with the patch?


Cheeky was working on something of a variable audit and also incorporating a very useful feature into the base game for people. Also he added a bit more depth to the Elaine scene on the guilt path... so this is going to be a bit more than your usual patch when he is finished. Which should be fairly soon last I heard. It also has in no way delayed EP18 in case you were wondering. :)