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Hi All,

It's going to be a massive scramble but still pushing for an end of month update (late on 31st).  So 3 days to go....

We are up past 7K lines, well over 400 images and at least 7 animations, so as mentioned previously biggest episode so far.

We have added in our first ever WTHI footjob scene (Thanks to Cell) plus a couple of other "flourishes".  

We had a minor roadblock because the anims I created wouldn't play in renpy so we reached out for some help and thanks to a loyal fan (TotesNotThea) and due to Ace jumping in and quickly teaching himself what's required we now have a way to convert our content into animations that Renpy will play.   So good news there and kudos to Ace for joining our art team in addition to his writing role.

Cell has just got a new GPU, so he is adding some well needed render power to the team  (My rig has been running 24/7 and the heat is unbearable in my home office so nice to get some help :) )

Red has just finished the anims for the Lily scene.  And I have finalized writing for all except two scenes in the script  (and those two are mostly written, just need some tweaks to match up with the new artwork and drop in the anims).

So lots of good news.  The only bad news is we're not gonna have a lot of time to test it before releasing but what can go wrong, right?  :)

I'm taking tomorrow off work and told my GF not to expect me to come downstairs this weekend :) so we're bucking in for the home straight.

I might look for a small team of guinea-pig beta testers to give a beta version a whirl for bugs.  So if you're interested in signing up for that, please let me know with a direct message.   Not the comments below, a DM.

It'll be a narrow window for beta testing, so please don't volunteer if you're not going to be around to test / provide feedback.  If I do release a beta it will probably be around 2am (GMT) on Friday night / Saturday morning.  And will be looking for feedback within 24hrs so I can correct any issues before Sunday release.

Normally beta testing is open to $10+ patrons but because of the upgrade this month, it'll be open for $5 tiers too.

Not ALL volunteers will get the beta because I want to keep the group small because my mass-release betas usually get pirated but they never get labelled as beta so people think it's the final release and it causes all sorts of complaints / confusion.   Note to pirates - If you're going to rip-off my game and share, please wait until the final version comes out.

If you do volunteer to beta, please let me know your availability during the specified time-window.

Thanks all!



Folks - Just to clarify. When I said "not much time for testing", I meant beta testing. But please note: With the exception of a small few, almost ALL of my releases have been done without a Beta test. In most releases I did all the error checking myself. So it's not a big panic if we don't have a big Beta release for this episode. If there are big bugs, it won't be because we rushed this out, it'll be because I missed something and unfortunately I am only human so there is a possibility. The game will be rigorously tested before release.