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Hi All,

We've had a really productive week and made good progress on artwork (the Monica scene is being worked atm) and good progress on writing.  We probably have about 3K lines written in rough draft form which is about halfway through our goal of 6K lines for this episode.  But I have a stretch goal to try to exceed 6K as there's a lot we want to fit into this episode.

As most of you know (and just to bring new patrons up to speed), we lost a lot of time at the start of Episode 17 dev cycle as we lost our artist and had to go through the process of sourcing, screening and auditioning a new one.   Never want to go through that process again and we now have 2 artists on-board.

But based on the team re-building, we are definitely behind where we would like to be, but things are looking good now and the new team are starting to find a rhythm, so next few weeks will definitely be more productive than the last.

So... I'll give a first stab at an estimated due date for Episode 17 and go for the end of this month.  It's still difficult to judge but will try our best to deliver this.  And rest assured that we have been working continuously on the game. 

A couple of other things to note (especially for newer folks), the links for all content can be found in the "About" section of my main page.

And i you have any problems or questions, please feel free to comment below or send me a direct message.  I respond to all/every messages but if for some reason you don't get a response, feel free to follow-up just in case I missed it.





Cheeky, always glad to hear about forward progress with this great game. Quick question are there any plans to update some of the older renders, especially Monica's. Love the character and the overall look but there are times it looks like she's a character from a different render engine, especially early on.


Yes, completely agree with you. The older renders need a full make-over and that is definitely something we have on the agenda. No exact dates yet but will keep you posted.

Mark Clegg

I have always wondered is retexturing an older render straightforward or is it pretty much doing the artwork from scratch again?