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Hi All,

Just a quick update to let you know that work on Episode 17 is ongoing.  We have two artists working on this episode with us (along with Ace and I in the writing department).  I'll post some sample images straight after this post.  I'll put some from me and some from the new artists (but I'm not telling who did what :) )

Very difficult to put a % readiness on episode 17 at the moment because of the previously mentioned artist search.  However, as I mentioned in my last update, I'm not hitting the panic button yet.


At the moment, we have a completed scene rendered by me plus another scene that I'm working on.  We have a scene being developed by one artist and another scene being developed by the other artist.   And we have the other scenes mapped out but not rendered yet.


We have a fully completed scene plus multiple other scenes in different stages of writing (some almost complete, some just in first draft and a couple yet to be started).

So based on all this and being a very disjointed, it's difficult to put a percentage readiness and an estimated release date at this stage.  I know that'll be frustrating for some of you but I don't want to bullshit you with some random date that is not accurate.  

We are just over 3 weeks into the Dev cycle  (recently it's been 6-8 week dev cycles), so still plenty of time to pull it all together.  And as per previous episodes, the length will match the Dev time.  So if it takes us a bit longer to get something out, we'll try our best to make sure the episode length / play-time is increased to match  -And I don't mean we'll just add in  a lot more dramatic pauses  :).

Also, Ace and I have been bandying around a few ideas for future additions (music, sound, effects, improve the quality of the earlier episodes, etc.) but I'll most more on that and on future goals at a later date (Let's concentrate on getting Ep17 complete first)

Let me know if any Qs or if you have any inputs.

And as always - thanks a lot for the support.


Dion Starfire

Yay, Music and sound. A few mood-setting tracks could really improve immersion. Couple of tips: 1. aim for tracks that will be unfamiliar to most people, but still capture the right mood 2. the youtube channel "copyright free music" showcases the kind of music you need (i.e. freely available for use) 3. don't forget what has made this so great.


Hey folks. thanks for the feedback. Will look at adding the gallery mod real soon. And sound fx/ music is on the agenda (just not sure when). Re-doing the older artwork is also definitely on the agenda. And will try to avoid having too many (contrived) cliff-hangers but sometimes it suits to throw one or two in.