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Hey All,

Just wanted to start by giving a big welcome and thanks to All new Patrons in 2020 and a very big thank you to ALL of you patrons that continued their support as we rolled into 2020.

Hope you all had a good New Year and even more importantly I hope you all enjoyed Episode 16 (now available for $5 patrons and can be found here:   https://www.patreon.com/posts/32724452  ).

And now to keep everyone up to speed on what's currently going on:

Dev Team.

As most of you are already aware we recently lost two members of our Dev team, due to real life issues, so we're currently back to a gruesome twosome of Ace and I.  so we are actively recruiting for a new artist to join the team and have already seen some auditions / submissions from a lot of talented artists but no final decision yet but we'll keep you posted.


I know I owe some of you folks the December 4K images plus an updated walkthrough, so I'm currently working on those as a priority and hope to catch up and post these real soon.

 Episode 17 

Work has started on Episode 17 but we are obviously still in the very early days but at the moment, the current plan is to carry on right where we left off at the end of Episode 16 and close out that "(Fuck!)" moment at the end of the episode (for those of you that played that particular path.  -o spoilers in the comments below as some people may not have completed Episode 16 yet).

At this stage we are still subject to change but here's what we are planning for episode 17:

Monica - Time to catch up with Monica and maybe spend some quality time with her outside the house (i.e. a follow-on date)

Jenna - Also need to catch up with this little cutie and possibly bring her out for a day of fun. 

Lily - It's been a while since MC and Lily had some time together, so she is due some 1-on-1 time, especially after Debbie's visit in ep16.

Still need to figure out who else will feature but at the moment Elaine is a strong candidate, especially as her and MC have some stuff to talk about.  And still bouncing around a few other ideas.

Will keep you posted as these scenes start to develop and we get a better idea of scene length and story progression.

In the meantime, please feel free to send me on any questions, comments or concerns.





Link Dave, but it is a bit behind. https://www.patreon.com/posts/30189558


I'll take the OG 3 ladies (MJK) any update for PG-15 to rated-R content. Elaine has made some inroads due to the current status of MC with her. In terms of mystery, my hunch is towards Bella/Jolina and may be a long shot, but Monica herself.

Mark Clegg

I have been thinking about this and there is an assumption that "Dizzy" is the one pulling the strings and the one that sent the email in the first place, but I'm starting to wonder if its his dad that sent the emails that got the whole thing rolling and Dizzy is as much in the dark the other two, my money is that she is either Jolina or Angel or like you I wonder if she might be Monica. I also wouldn't rule out Dog-boys mom, that would be an interesting twist if Tommy and the MC are half brothers!