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Hi All,

Just a quick update to say that I'm still expecting to get episode 12 out in the first half of May.  I won't give an exact date yet as there is still a lot of work to do, but I will keep you posted.

As mentioned previously, I want to expand the team, so I went through a lengthy process of auditioning new writers to join the team.  In total, there were 41 applicants, so it took a while to whittle that down.   Of these applicants there were 4 who's quality was (in my opinion) up to the  level that I was looking for. 

 So that was a pleasant surprise, because at the start I was worried that a) I would struggle to get enough interested parties and b) that none of them would be at the level I was looking for.

The bad news was that I couldn't take on 4 new writers.  And of the four, two of them stood out above everyone else.   But rather than narrow it down to one, I decided to ask two of them to join the team.   And I'm delighted to say that they both agreed to work on episode 12 (and hopefully all future episodes)

So the audition process is over and we have 2 new members of the team.  I am very happy with the new additions, but the next phase of the audition is for them to decide if they want to work with the WTHI team on an ongoing basis and if the whole dynamic works out to their expectations.  So we'll see how Episode 12 goes and whether or not they're happy to stick around.  

The new members are:   VAL & Phalzyr and I'll put together an introductory bio very soon as a formal intro.

Aeilion remains as the artiste extraordinaire and along with his usual burden of putting up with me, he now has two other writers asking for artwork, so hats-off to him.

I'll also publish an overview of what's coming in Episode 12 very soon  (we are trying to pack a lot in, so need to take stock of what is achievable as it's looking like another large update.)



Wow 41 applicants...


That includes a few johhny-come-latelys that contacted me after I moved onto the second round. They missed the boat so I didn't waste their time looking for a submission. Still pleasantly surprised at the level.of interest.