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Hey Folks,

This is my first public post in a while, but just wanted to get a message out to patrons and non-patrons.

Firstly - I'm back!   As some of you know, I had some real-life stuff to sort out.  Nothing sad or tragic (and no personal issues, etc.), just stuff that kept me away from the game (professional exams, changed job, etc.), but nothing to bore you folks with.  Although the latest "distraction" was my girlfriend ended up in hospital after cutting her finger (tendon) while slicing vegetables.  I did warn her about eating veggies  (for her it almost qualifies as cannibalism!) :)    Only joking of course, I was very sympathetic when it happened (I think my exact words were:  "Is that your HJ hand?").   But I'm back in the saddle with regards to game development...  (And Aeilion didn't take a break at all, so at least one half of the team was keeping the fire lit),

Secondly - As per my previous post, I turned off payment for December, based on the fact that I couldn't commit to getting out an update this month.   Thanks a lot for those of you that suggested I take the money and run (I was tempted), but in the end I couldn't do it, so I left payment OFF.   However, for any new patrons (or increased pledges) in December, you will be charged (not my option, it's just how Patreon works), but for those that signed up in or before November (and didn't increase your pledge this month), you shouldn't be charged.

Thirdly, Aeilion is creating an advent calendar of renders for December.  I'll post Dec 1st-4th renders shortly (for Patrons only, because I'm not risking the wrath of Patreon - they get very touchy about partial/implied nudity in public posts).  The calendar features characters from the game.  And as I said, it is 100% Aeilion's work (so no credit to me)!

Fourthly (I know that's not a word!) - Thanks a lot to ALL Patrons for your continued (and previous) support.  Without you folks, I would still only be on Episode 2 or 3. 

Fifthly (I've started so I'll finish) For those non-patron "watchers" out there.  Go on.... I know you want to join the party and get a peek behind the magic (albeit stained) curtain and see all the fun we have behind the Patron-only wall....

Now, I need to get back to the game.   I owe Aeilion some script to catch up with his renders....

Will update again very soon (and keep you posted regarding Episode 9 progress).  And we're also overdue a poll, so let me get something you can debate / vote....




Keep up the great work, both of you!


your game made me crazy, I need not a chapter more, I need a thousand more, already !!!! please for when the ninth?


It's odd seeing a girl playing these games, u gay?


I'm sure the gay here is you, that's right, I'm a girl, I did not think that my gender would bother me, my Lord ... fuck you!


Geez relax I was just asking, I didn't meant to offend u lol