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I have unlocked the Episode 7 release links for $5 patrons.  $5 patrons - please check out my original posts from September 30th -they should now be accessible.


Gray Metal Fox

Thanks for squeezing in more Monica content in this episode. I was expecting a little less, knowing the main focus is Katie and the party. After the conversation at breakfast, I figured that would be it for Monica for episode 7. I was very pleased to get the 'haircut at the pool' scene. It was very refreshing to have Monica opened up about 'sober and drunk Monica.' For me writing like this, the open and frank revelation she confesses to the MC at the pool, is why I'm enjoying this game. Oh, and Bella is beautiful!

Jessie Petersen

started ep7 with katie 38/39 possible and 42/42 and relationship/lust is not high enough? is it cause of my choices leading up or is it not implemented ?


****Minor SPOIILER alert*****The attribute check at that point looks at Relationship & Lust combined. If its >=88, then you pass. So if you started the chapter with a combined total of 81 and there is a chance to gain another 15 points before the attribute check, unless you chose a lot of the wrong answers in that scene, you should pass the check. Does it definitely say "Not high enough?". because if you Pass the check, you get a comment to say "Lust/ Relationship IS high enough", so just double check. If the scene ends with Monica shouting up to Katie and Katie saying she "stubbed her toe", then you are good (and you passed the attribute check). Double check and let me know and if you still have issues and I'll DM you the correct responses for the opening scene.