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Hey Folks,

Rough estimate of my completion rate is approx. 60% which means I'm working at a rate of about 20% per week.  Based on that, I'm putting in a provisional date of 24th September for the release of Episode 7.  The caveat is that after each week, my estimated length (snigger) for the epsiode seems to increase which means that 20% per week means more work than the previous week (I'm a terrible tyrant of a boss to myself), but hopefully, that date is achievable...

I do have to attend a cousin's wedding this weekend which is rather annoying as it will eat into my Dev time, but it will keep the girlfriend sweet (I'll let her out of the dungeon for the weekend and bring her along).  And things could be worse, such as my cousin that's getting married.  His bride-to-be is so ugly, they are considering shaving her ass and teaching her to walk on her hands for the ceremony (if they can find a veil big enough to cover the ass)!  Just kidding, she is a .. eh, beautiful... woman.. and my cousin has promised Seaworld he'll have her back in the water in time for the afternoon show.

Obviously, lots can happen between then and now (damn real life gets in the way), so please don't issue any death threats if I miss the deadline, but so far progress has been good.  I have the base scenes set up for almost every scene.  Still have lots of renders to complete, but as the base scene is done for most, this means, no more dicking around with lighting / environments and all that annoying stuff.  That still leaves posing (takes up my time) and rendering (takes up CPU/GPU time) and picking and fitting clothing (a grown man playing with girls clothes... embarrassing or what?).   If there's time, I'd like to make the image loops (I'm not calling them animations because I don't think anything in this game qualifies to be called that) a bit longer (e.g. 7-8 frames, rather than the previous attempts of 2-3), but will depend on time.  I'm still trying to improve my craft with each episode and make subtle improvements - Foreground/background focus differences and characters blinking may not seem like great leaps for mankind, but I'm proud of myself :)

And also trying to fit in more "naughty" scenes in this episode (current plans is approx: 2.5 - 3 naughty scenes in Episode 7)

Will leave you with a quote by my favourite cheeky bard (from Strapon upon- Avon)

"What's in a thong? That which we call a pussy by any other name would smell as sweet" - William Cockspeare  circa 1593


Nick Kovacs

Maybe when you make it back to sea world to drop off the cousin it will inspire you to develope a BBW character to throw in the mix for entertainment purposes👍🏻


I'm glad to see the Patreon numbers going up. Hopefully they continue to rise.