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Howdy folks,

Quick update before I hit the hay.  Good weekend with the vast majority of it working on the game, so made a decent bit of progress.  Rough guesstimate is that I'm about 40% done on Episode 7, so a bit of catching up to do this week.

I have the whole party scene(s)  mapped out in my head, but not much of it scripted yet.  I have approx. 25 renders complete for the party and another 35 renders complete for the non-party scenes.

Lots of scenes bouncing around in my head, just need to decide what makes it into this episode, what gets pushed to the next episode and need to decide at which point I end the episode.... 

But overall, happy with the progress.   Expecting a busy week in work (real job, not Dev work) this coming week, but will still get a lot done in the evenings.

But on the plus side, my girlfriend is away this weekend, so no interruptions, so should get a couple of 18hr days in over the weekend to make up for any lost time during the week due to getting out of work late.

   And No, I'm not implying my girlfriend is "Plus-Size", it's a figure of speech!!!!    Here I am giving a friendly update and you're thinking my girlfriend is a Rhino.  I'm almost offended !! :)

Anyway, enough rambling,  will keep you ALL posted.  And as always, feel free to give your inputs / opinions / questions / feedback (positive or constructive).




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