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Spent a lot of time working on the game this week, so still on track for a 26th July Release.  Approx. 75% (70% script /coding & 80% of renders) done, although I haven't left myself the usual time I give to proof-read and proof-play a few dozen times.  Have cancelled all plans for this weekend, so I should make a lot of progress between now and Monday.   

And just a reminder (as posted previously) that I'm taking two weeks vacation (out of the country, so no dev work and no real-job work, so a proper break) from the 26th July.  Which will mean that the next episode after this one (Episode 7) will be out in early-mid September, rather than late August. 

I still owe you folks an Ultra HD render (for your support in hitting my Goal).  I'll try my best to get that out before the 26th, but getting Episode 6 out is obviously my main priority.


Marty McLean

ok so 2 weeks of rest and recovery. Sounds like you are putting the game first because if you end up sick from stressing over dead lines and renders we all suffer and the game gets delayed by a month not just a few days.