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It looks like people still cannot access my Patron only posts, so will only post publicly until it is resolved.   I'm assuming people can see my public posts (could the first one or two people who read this, please post a comment to confirm you can see it).

The problem with my Patron-only posts is just a hangover from the page being temporarily suspended and will be resolved in the next couple of days.  At this stage all $10 fans should have received a message from me with the link to the new episode.  Let me know if you haven't.

All $5 dollar fans will get the link on Friday.

And any new fans will get the relevant links sent when they join.

Update from one of the Patrons:  Re-pledging solves the issue, e.g: edit your pledge from $5/10 down to $1 and then edit it back to your original amount.  That should fix the issue.



I can see it


Changing the pledge amount did fix the issue. I was getting worried because of that silence ^^