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Folks,  I'm currently putting together a walk-through for Episodes 1-3 and will publish for Patrons soon.  Haven't decided, going forward.. which patron tier levels the walk-through will be provided for.  But in the meantime, the first walk-through release (Ep 1-3) will be available for ALL patrons.

And regardless of the tier level decision, I don't ever plan on publishing a walk-through for the most recent episodes as they come out.  The latest walk-through will always be one episode behind the latest release, as I want the first attempt at each episode to be without the step-by-step hand-holding.  (I know where your hands have been you mongrels!!)



Pissed Off !! I have episode 1-4 walkthrough complete and was updating episode 5 as I was writing the script, so was feeling very organised. I was pulling out episode 1-3 for the release for you folks, but instead of saving it as a new doc, I overwrote the existing one, so lost all of my work for Episode 4 & 5. I'm an idiot!!!


No impact for you guys (Ep 1-3 still ready to go), it just means I have to re-do 4 & 5 again. AAArgh! Could have been worse, I suppose, it could have been the game I lost, rather than just the walkthrough (Not likely as I have backups of that everywhere!). Have 2 rigs, a desktop and a laptop on the go across 3 screens, so too much multi-tasking!!


that stinks! I do dumb shit like that all the time, so I can feel your pain! Oh well, like you said it could have been worse...