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Hello Folks,

I took a half day from work today, so between now and Sunday I expect to make a lot of progress on 0.07a.  Other than a few hours on Sunday, I am pretty free for the weekend, so I expect to get about 30 hours in between now and Sunday night, so I'll publish an update early Monday with a progress report.  There will definitely be a release before the end of the month...

Minor spoilers (don't read if you want the next episode to be a complete surprise...)

At the moment Day 3 is going to be another packed day with the following scenes envisaged:  Morning scenes (2x) with Monica (with some tease) a small morning scene with Katie, a daytime date scene with Monica, meet Jenna for coffee, a small scene related to Monica's work where you meet 2 very minor characters (don't worry, they won't cost any game time with the main NPCs), a second scene each with Katie & Jenna and then a night date scene (2x locations) with Monica and then a scene after you get home.......

So approx. 11 scenes, which at the moment will probably need to be broken across two episodes, but the next release should be as long (or longer) than previous releases as I don't want to put out shortened episodes and it will be out this month!  Let me know if any Qs



So you are still working episode 7?


Haven't started yet (on vacation), but obviously will be getting started on Episode 7 when I'm back


keep in mind if we can have sex with the mom it would be awsesome


Question is it possible to have Monica Lust higher then 66 on EP6?


Ok i will just replay Episode 6, thanks.


just what i thought i got to Monica 76 lust, but man i wish she took me to her bedroom.