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Three other points to note:

Episode Revisions

A quick note on my revision usage.  .01 / .02 / 0.3 / 0.4 are obvious enough, they just reflect sequential release.  And I'll continue with that.  Although if I get to 100 releases it'll be like the Y2K bug all over again :) and will need a "Grey pubes or not poll" in a few years. Or it'll be good enough to become a 1.00 rev....

For 0.05a - This is the alpha / early release version for $10 patrons.

0.05 - This will be the general release version of 0.05a. 

For 0.05a (or future 0.xxa releases) Although I'm calling it an alpha, the expectation is that is is bug-free, etc., so really it's just an early release of what should be very close to the finished product.

The only difference between the 0.xxa and the 0.xx releases should be some minor tweaks / updates / additional renders based on feedback from the $10 patrons that I receive between  the early release and the Free/public release, so they'll get a chance to influence some items that they do/do not like. 

The 0.xx version will follow the 0.xxa version approx 2-3 weeks after each release.

Does that make sense or have I lost everyone ??

And secondly...

Dev Updates

From now on, I'll only be posting Dev updates for Patrons only (any tier level), so they won't be public.  However, I will still try to respond to all / any feedback/ queries / comments, etc. from anyone regardless of whether you are a patron or not.

And lastly.... I've almost fallen asleep writing this shit, so I don't have much hope that any of you are still with me at this stage, but as Bill Cosby says to his girlfriend when she wakes up.... "Fuck it, I've started, so I might as well finish"....


Polls will no longer be available to the public

Some polls will be $10 patrons only.

And others (depending on what's being polled) will be available to ALL paying patreons, although there will be a weighting factor (e.g. a $10 patron's vote will have a x10 weighting compared to a $1 patron).

Ok, enough of this shit, Apologies to you for the lenghty post (and apologies to Bill Cosby's ex-girlfriends), I'm off to write some scenes for Day 2 part 2.....



Perfectly clear. Sounds good to me. Hopefully, some of these changes/explanations will get some people on the fence about becoming a patron of yours to now pledge. You are making a great game, putting in a ton of time and your posts are funny as hell. Thanks!