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Hi folks,

Just an update on the latest demo. It is progressing well and I'm about 66% through the latest episode, so considering we are 2/3 of the way through June, this is probably the first month in a long time that I'm on track at this stage of the month. Cell has been side-tracked on some personal projects, so I'm mostly flying solo this month, but I've been in a good flow on art and script, so I don't foresee any issues keeping the latest demo on track. I'll probably do what I've been doing recently and post the links to the demo before the end of the month and then upload the files within the first couple of days of next month, just to avoid any end-of-month cut-off concerns. All of the additions and extra stuff meant that this demo will mostly just cover the old episode 8, but I still plan on getting some parts of episode 9 in too (i.e. make a start on the next chapter of the demo, so I hit the ground running next month.)

I finished up in my real-life job last week, so I'm officially a full-time dev and it's making a massive difference with regards to progress. The 7 day weeks are helping too, but I don't mind the hours as I have my mojo back and am loving putting every spare minute into getting season 1 complete. And I have also been dipping in and out of plans for episode 25, too, so I don't forget everything (so will hit the ground running on episode 25 as soon as Season 1 hits steam). This weekend, except a few more posts (polls and some feedback requests).

This weekend, I plan on getting the party scene complete and will pass that chunk over to the QC team, while I finished the last scene (Katie after the party) and a (new) Bella scene (already in progress).

Some details (and teasers) of what's in store in the forthcoming episode are below. Some minor spoilers about scene content and additions, so don't read if you want to remain spoiler-free.

Please let me know if any questions or comments.

Thanks, CG

The demo contains an updated version of the of episode 9 scene (now pulled in from the morning after the party to the morning of the party) where Jenna wakes MC up to show off her tan.

A very quick check-in with Katie (which is an amalgamation of a couple of different conversations, plus some new dialog)

Then I have a new scene (breakfast with all 3 girls) as the original (in my opinion) didn't have enough instances of MC interacting with all 3 ladies in a regular domestic setting. Plus some interaction with Monica after breakfast to cover the fall-out from the events of the last episode.

And speaking of fallout....

We get to spend an afternoon with Bella (brand new scene)

Then we have the pre-party scene with Katie (extended from the original) and the the party scene(s) which contain a lot of tweaks, additions, extensions with plenty of more options (I'm sorry, I can't help myself.)

Some of these options are: A few different options for the revenge plot, including a (difficult to achieve) option to take a nicer path with Natasha. Or for those that like "a bit of rough", I have added some options to the Natasha sex scene that will let you punish her a little more. Anyway, don't want to give too much away.... but here are a few extra teasers....






Previews look good... expanded party scene also sounds like a good idea (having said that, any change that involves added content sounds good to me, especially when it involves the main LI's)