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Hi folks,

Here are the links for the May demo:


Google drive link

The previous demo covered days 1-3. This demo will add days 4 and 5 (second half of day 5 has some issues at the moment, hence the last minute scramble.

The re-do has more pathing (to allow you to choose no interest/ no romance with more women early on if they don't float your boat). This is great for those that felt some romances were "forced on you" in the original, but bad for me, as it significantly increases the number of paths I have to write and keep track of! :) :)

In addition to the upgrade of the original scenes, Day 4 has a lot of new scenes that weren't part of the original, including a full date with Debbie, full date with Lily, a short scene with Jenna, and another short scene with Katie/Jenna.

We had some issues with the last scene (Monica date). We had 5 animations for this scene, but I wasn't happy with any of them... tried to get them better, but didn't have time, so I've scrapped them for this demo. Not the whole scene, just those animations. The scene will still play fully (with plenty of still images instead of animations). We'll have another crack at the animations and slot them into a future demo.

Thanks a lot for the patience.





no android version yet?


it was a great update, some concerns i have you say the 4th ep it covers day 4 and 5 so why do you have ep 5 pics in the game? and i cant play them? also the update adds a new dynamic to Debbie we did not get in the original at this point. I think this will speed up their relationship. i do approve! :) We lost a scene that gave heart to Lily because of the BJ was early, it happened later and with a question the mc had to choose. we lost the choice now! it was when she asked the Mc to choose to wait or to Have sex we lost that part of her love. with MC i missed it! in this re make. it was key to my solo run for lily. even though that scene is yet to be in the redo it will need to be written well to recover the heartful emotion Lily portrays in that "study scene" to give it back other wise the Suttle hit that lily likes to fu... in this newly written scene will ruin the vulnerability lily displays to mc in the study scene does that make since?


Hi Lion - thanks for the feedback. Episode 4 covers day 4 and 5 (I combined two days into a single chapter, because they were shorted days than the previous). Episode 5 will start on Day 6, but is not part of this demo... it will be in the next demo update. And yes, there are plenty of images in the folders from Day 6 if you look. This is because I am continually working on the next phases of the game, even if they aren't fully playable yet. The demos will include everything that is playable (but there may be some work in progress / future stuff buried in the folders). And your point regarding Lily makes sense and that study scene will play out similarly in the re-do as per the original. But I'll double check the new skating scene to make sure I haven't over-stepped and that it won't negatively impact the upcoming study scene.