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As an author, sometimes your really neat ideas don't work out in the long run. One such plot is about Istvan. (I've omitted spoiler content and what I kept.)

In her past, several spoiler things happened which (rightfully) made her angry against the folks in question. She contacted a specter, made a deal, and agreed to the consequences. The deal was a trade. The specter would get rid of all these people, but Istvan had to give up what made her a vledax. She shed her species and looks for the middle row shown in this post (which uses a coat design by Akela.) She turned into, essentially, a dog. Canids cannot bend their arms like humans and dyres can.

She would be known as a hexen. Then her story would be about ending this deal with the specter to return to normal. There was also the idea that the hex was wearing off. This would have made Istvan a Primary character. Had it been a different plot for Cadavard, this might have worked, yet it ain't the case for the present story. This hex plot took away too much from the main story and made things convoluted. I've thus decided to keep the original ideas. It features a coat I commissioned Arven years ago.

A good writer admits when something isn't working out instead of bending the lore to fit this idea.



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