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What do we have here? An Ennui GO! visual novel, how about that?

Ennui GO!: Hurricane Heart sees YOU in the role of a denizen of the Ennuiverse, waking up hung-over with a giant hole in your memory from the intense week of unhinged partying you subjected yourself and others to. What were you up to on this hellacious bender? What did you do? WHO did you do? All this and more shall be revealed...

This is an ALPHA. A pre-alpha even. This is the very first iteration of the game. It will be expanded upon greatly in the coming months, especially now that all the hard work has been done. All that's left is tweaks, polish, and WIDENING. Oh you better believe that this is going to be a bitch of prodigious girth. 

And the best part? YOU get to help! Yes, the direction of the game will be dictated by YOU, the members of the Ennuiverse! All patrons on the $3 tier and above will be able to participate in regular votes to see which character is added next! The entirety of Ennui GO! and Black Hole are yours to pick from! A vote will be held on this very soon!

In the meanwhile, please consider trying out the game. Keep in mind, this is an ALPHA build. It is pretty short right now, and unpolished. If you have any comments, critiques, or suggestions, PLEASE, do not hesitate! I would absolutely love to hear them. I'm making this for your enjoyment after all.

Enjoy, and stay tuned!



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